executive coaching services

At Berkeley Executive Coaching Institute, we don't just coach—we catalyze leadership transformation. Our approach goes beyond traditional consulting: we provoke insights, challenge assumptions, and support leaders in discovering their most powerful strategic selves.

We work across organizational ecosystems—from emerging talents to seasoned executives—with a global network of 600+ certified coaches who understand that leadership isn't about prescribed solutions, but personalized breakthroughs.

Our Leadership Assessments aren't mere evaluations. They're sophisticated, confidential 360-degree explorations that illuminate not just performance metrics, but the nuanced human dynamics driving organizational potential. We don't just identify growth areas—we create generative spaces for radical self-discovery and strategic reimagination.

One-on-one or team-based, our coaching is a bold invitation: Question your current leadership narrative. Uncover what has true potential for change. Transform.


Our Coaching Philosophy

Coach as Catalyst
The role of the coach is to help the client stay true to their goals, objectives, and commitments. For us, a coach is a catalyst. A coach does not develop people, a coach equips people to develop themselves.

Entering into a coaching relationship involves entering into a context of change and growth. Together, the partnership creates an environment for something to be different, whether that is attitude, perspective, thinking or action. The inquiry context represents the powerful process of deepening the learning. It is a process of discovery and curiosity. The coach asks: What does that mean for you? What is incomplete for you? What would make a difference?

About Our Coaches


One Size Doesn’t Fit All
Each coaching relationship is unique; coaching is not an exact science.

What one person needs is quite different than what another person needs both in hours as well as form and content. Many factors affect the coaching process, including the barriers that the person is trying to overcome as well as their current and future responsibilities and assignments.

Each client’s program is customized around numerous factors, and will be unique in its execution.

Though each of our coaches has their own individual style, and customizes each coaching relationship based on the need of their client, all of our coaches utilize the same fundamental processes from our Active Communicating® methodology and Berkeley coaching certification program. 

Over 600 Berkeley Certified Coaches Worldwide


“Thanks to my coach, I’ve learned how to better organize my thoughts, especially when dealing with complex topics or navigating leadership challenges. Her approach is thoughtful, patient, and effective—she has a remarkable ability to make you feel both supported and empowered.”


Leadership Studies

We offer an optional “leadership study” to our coaching clients: a qualitative, 360-style leadership assessment of the leader. The participant will nominate individuals that he or she works closely with, and help develop interview guidelines, such as personal leadership strengths, personal leadership challenges, and recommendations concerning professional growth and development. The questions represent a starting point for the dialogue to elicit the interviewee’s perspectives, observations, and work-related experiences. The results will be combined into a confidential, qualitative summary of what is working and needs work in the client’s leadership. The findings of the assessment will be reviewed in a one-on-one meeting to help develop the participant’s coaching goals.

Coaching Programs


Coaching for Individuals

We offer executive coaching to leaders who seek an external sounding board and thought-partner. The coach will enter, integrate into, and invest in the client’s world. Together, the coach and client will develop a clear set of goals to move the client along their leadership journey. Coaching sessions may consist of one-on-one sessions, observations, prepping the client for meetings, observing communications, and more. Each session will be designed to fully support the client in whatever goals they have determined will move their leadership to the next level. The client must take action on agreed upon areas of interpersonal improvement, commit to attending sessions and completing homework assignments, as well as reporting back to the coach on actions taken that may relate to a client, team member, or other person. 

Coaching Programs in Organizations

In collaboration with an organization's leaders, we develop coaching programs to take a cohort of individuals - for example senior directors, or high-potential leaders - through a structured leadership development experience. The program often includes workshops and other experiential learning activities to build skills such as inspirational communication, empowering teams, or building a culture of feedback. The learning is reinforced through through a series of targeted monthly 1:1 coaching sessions, as the coach guides a process where the coachee systematically explores current conditions and the path forward to develop higher clarity, alignment, impact and commitment.

“My coach was exactly what I needed.

She provided accountability without it feeling like an added stressor. She pushed me to question my assumptions and helped me be thoughtful about critical conversations I otherwise wouldn't have invested the time to plan (or more likely, probably wouldn't have pushed myself to have at all). When I started sessions with my coach, I felt unmoored, with no plan for what should come next in my career - and that was really uncomfortable for me. Today, I have a plan A and a plan B, which I attribute entirely to her support.”

- Sr. Program Manager (Technology Client)

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Schedule a Conversation

If you have questions about which coach or coaching program is right for you, or are interested in a coaching program for your team or organization, please schedule a consultation with Jennifer Caleshu to share more about what you are looking for and learn how we can customize a program for you.