“My coach played a remarkable role in my career and personal development during a relatively challenging time, in a relatively short time...His energy met me where I was, kept holding a mirror to my mindset and actions, kept moving me gently but firmly on the path to working on the right, tough stuff, and helped me see and experience some big insights about myself.”
What is Coaching
Coach as Catalyst
The role of the coach is to help the client stay true to their goals, objectives, and commitments. For us, a coach is a catalyst. A coach does not develop people, a coach equips people to develop themselves.
Entering into a coaching relationship involves entering into a context of change and growth. Together, the partnership creates an environment for something to be different, whether that is attitude, perspective, thinking or action. The inquiry context represents the powerful process of deepening the learning. It is a process of discovery and curiosity. The coach asks: What does that mean for you? What is incomplete for you? What would make a difference?
“Building trust and gradually digging into the tough problems I was facing, having my coach constantly challenge me, feeling like I was not getting anywhere at first then realizing momentum was building and I was changing. It was positive stuff - really meaningful.”
Program Details
Part One: Leadership Assessment
The leadership assessment lays the foundation for the deep introspection and self-awareness work of the coaching program. It is conducted before the first individual coaching session, and consists of a customized quantitative survey completed by both the participant and their colleagues. The results will be combined into a confidential summary of what is working and needs work in the participant’s leadership. The findings of the assessment will be reviewed in a one-on-one meeting to help develop the participant’s coaching goals.
Part Two: 1:1 Coaching
The coaching program consists of eight 1-hour long sessions with a dedicated coach. The coachee and the coach work together to define development goals, explore options, and implement actions. The coach guides a process where the coachee systematically explores current conditions and the path forward to develop higher clarity, alignment, impact and commitment, through the series of targeted 1:1 meetings. The cadence of sessions will be determined upon mutual agreement between the coach and coachee - typically once every 3 - 4 weeks.
About Our Coaches
One Size Doesn’t Fit all
Each coaching relationship is unique; coaching is not an exact science. What one person needs is quite different than what another person needs both in hours as well as form and content. Many factors affect the coaching process, including the barriers that the person is trying to overcome as well as their current and future responsibilities and assignments. Each client’s program is customized around numerous factors, and will be unique in its execution.
Though each of our coaches has their own individual style, and customizes each coaching relationship based on the need of their client, all of our coaches utilize the same fundamental processes from our Active Communicating® methodology and coaching certification program.
Coach Bios
Sign Up For Coaching
Complete this form to enroll in the Golin TCL Group Coaching Program. Upon submission of this form, we will be in touch to set up your self-assessment and request raters for your leadership assessment, and to connect you with your selected coach.